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Conveyancing Services:
If you have no idea what conveyancing entails, you find yourself in good company: An Appellate Judge [in the Appellate Division case of Chief Registrar of Deeds v Hamilton-Brown 1969(2) SA 543 A] once referred thereto as "the mysterious procedures, known only to conveyancers and officers in the Deeds Office, which are involved in transferring titles to land where successive transactions are simultaneously registered!"
In order to weave the magic of the "mysterious procedures", a conveyancer, after being admitted as an attorney, has to specialize in this area of the law relating to property, as only an admitted conveyancer may execute the registration of any dealings with property, such as the transfer of ownership, or the mortgaging of property under a bond pursuant to a loan of money.
At Venter Van Eeden Inc. we offer (inter alia) the following conveyancing services (promising to demystify all mysteries along the way!):
- Drafting of all contracts, agreements and/or documents relating to property, i.e. Deeds of Sale, Lease Agreements, Deeds of Donation, General Powers of Attorney, as well as Special Powers of Attorney
- Deceased Estate Transfers: Properties sold during the life time of the Deceased, or sold by the Executor, or inherited in terms of the will of the Deceased
- Transfers of properties subsequent to divorce, in terms of a divorce settlement or Court Order
- Certificates of Registered Title on subdivision of land, or in respect of a joint owner's share in land, or in respect of a portion of land owned by a single person/entity
- Certificates of Consolidated Title on consolidation of contiguous properties owned by a single person/entity
- Mortgage Bonds pursuant to bank/ personal loans (including collateral, surety or indemnity Bonds)
- Cancellation of Mortgage Bonds on settlement of outstanding bond amounts
- Cession of Mortgage Bonds by the Mortgagee (person/entity in whose favor the bond is registered) as security for debt or otherwise
- "Switching" of Mortgage Bonds where a debtor changes from one lender to another, thereby cancelling one bond, and simultaneously registering another in favor of the preferred lender
- Amendment of the terms of a registered Bond pursuant to an agreement between the Mortgagee (Creditor) and Mortgagor (Debtor)
- Release of a property from a registered Mortgage Bond where said Bond binds more than one property; or release of a portion of a property on subdivision thereof
- Substitution of a debtor (Mortgagor) under a registered Bond where a debtor agrees to be substituted as debtor on becoming owner of the property; and the Mortgagee (creditor) accepts this arrangement
- Removal of restrictive conditions contained in a Deed of Transfer where indicated, on application
- Obtaining online information from the Deeds Office in respect of properties, persons or legal entities
- Providing of Conveyancers' Certificates as required, e.g. on finalization of Deceased Estate Transfers or on application for subdivision of properties
- Registration or cancellation of real or personal rights, i.e. pre-emptive rights, reversionary rights, restrictions on alienation, usufructs, habitatio's, conditions imposed by Council on subdivision (e.g. the establishment of Home Owners' Associations) and/or servitude's
- Partition Transfers where joint owners (in undivided shares) of land redistribute said land in order to each own a defined portion thereof
- Transfers subsequent to insolvency or sale in execution
- Transfer of derelict land pursuant to a Court Application
- Exchange Transfers following an agreement between owners to swop properties
- Rectification Transfers in order to rectify registration errors, such as a property being inadvertently omitted from a deed of transfer
- Amendment (by means of application) of errors in registered deeds, such as incorrect identity numbers or names of owners spelled incorrectly
- Registration of formal change of name of a person or legal entity by means of prescribed application
[Please note that any reference to "property" pertains to conventional, as well as (where applicable) sectional property]