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Estate Planning, Wills and Trusts
We spend a lifetime building wealth – how long do we spend on estate planning and our Wills in an effort to protect our wealth before and after death? We are geared to assist clients who in their lifetime expect to attract Estate Duty. We do this by offering advice on how to legally avoid and limit this wealth tax liability in an endeavor to ensure maximum growth and usage of the client’s estate, both during his lifetime and thereafter.
In addition, we also assist in addressing areas of concern, such as subsequent marriages and multiple dependants, court orders concerning the care of legal dependants, business contingencies, farming operations and how best to ensure that the last Will and Testament properly address a fair distribution and the testator’s intentions.

Within this Department we have employed staff, who in addition to their legal degrees, successfully completed the Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Planning and the Advanced Post Graduate Diploma In Financial Planning specializing in Estates, coupled with years experience in the Financial Services Industry. Our staff have published articles on this topic, facilitated training of financial advisors within this scope and also acted as speaker on this topic during presentations to amongst others Farming Associations and Business Chambers.
Winding up of Estates
We act in the capacity of executor or duly appointed agent for the executor. We are prepared to negotiate the executor’s fee after taking into consideration the complexity of the estate, the practical implementation of the instructions contained in the last Will and Testament, the liquidity situation in the estate, the value of the gross estate, the time period that we expect that it will take to wind up the estate, and the possibility of any litigation involving the estate.
We are committed to keeping the heirs and executor informed of progress made. In addition, we believe in absolute transparency when dealing with the heirs and executor and properly advise these parties concerning advice and recommendations to resolve any disputes that may arise. We have a good working relationship with the Master of the High Court and our messenger visits the Master’s Office virtually on a daily basis. This contributes to our sufficient administration and limits delays in the winding up of estates.